Bonnie Landry

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resources for joy

I am keynoting a conference here in Ottawa today (April 20, 2024) and here are links to many of the resources I mention during the talks. Enjoy!


Homeschool resources:

Video with grandson doing dictation

Another grandson, another video

My books on amazon

Rest, Play, Grow


Discipline Without Distress

Hold Onto Your Kids

Dictation podcast episode

Primer on dictation

The Hippie Housewife on discipline

A few podcast episodes: make joy normal


Some truths in family life PART ONE.   PART TWO.


Why order matters

Blog posts:


Decluttering 2


All the dictation posts!


Spiritual Growth, recent reads

Surprised by Joy  CS Lewis

For a list of Jacques Phillipe’s books, click HERE

Searching for and Maintaining Peace Fr. Jacques Phillipe 

Interior Freedom Fr. Jacques Phillipe

Household order:

Sink Reflections by Marla Cilley

The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning by Magareta Magnusson

Assessing our lives and self awareness:

Hallowed be this House by Thomas Howard

Video: how and why to create a purpose statement

Longer article, how to create a purpose statement

Familiaris Consortio

Parent’s prayer:

Dear Lord, help us to be better parents.  Teach us to understand our children, to listen patiently to what they have to say and to answer all their questions kindly.  Keep us from interrupting them or contradicting them.  Make us a courteous to them as we want them to be to us.  

Help us never punish them for our own selfish satisfaction or to show our power.  Let us not tempt our children to steal or lie.  And guide us daily that we may demonstrate by all we say and do that honesty produces happiness.  

When we are out of sorts, help us hold our tongues.  May we ever be mindful that our children are children and we should not expect them to act like adults.  

Help us never rob them of the opportunity to wait on themselves and to make decisions.  Bless us with the bigness to grant them all their reasonable requests and the courage to deny them privileges we know will do them harm. 

Make us fair, just and kind parents.  We pray for calmness, poise and self-control and fit us to be loved, respected and imitated by our children.  Amen

AA prayer:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, 

the courage to change the things I can, 

and the wisdom to know the difference.