advent with Tomie

Tomie dePaola has been one of our favourite children's authors and illustrators for, like, EVER.  His Catholic Italian heritage works its way into so many of his books and into our hearts.  He is a remarkable man, and has helped to form our family through his charming gift of reaching children.

I'm going to provide a list of his books here, without a lot of description.  Just read them.  Be charmed by them.  Just try one.  Guaranteed most of these will be at your local library.

Clown of God - a juggler offer's his gift to cheer the Baby Jesus

The Legend of the Poinsettia - a Mexican Christmas legend of the gift of Jesus

The Night of Las Posadas - a story of a nativity play

The Friendly Beasts - an illustrated story book of the Christmas hymn

Mary, the Mother of God - a tender story of Mary

The Lady of Guadalupe - a great book for celebrating the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 13th

The Birds of Bethlehem - the Nativity from the perspective of the birds

Of course there are other books we've read during Advent, but these are certainly the ones that have been loved for years and years in our house.

Thanks, Tomie.

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