
The locals say it like its a word.  Olswa.  It sounds like a Russian bread or eating utensil.  Ver iss da olswa?  I haff it yust now.

Anyway.  It isn't a word.  It is the name of a beautiful little Catholic college in a beautiful little town in the middle of a long long long highway (I use the term loosely) in the middle of a very large province.  Ontario. The fourth largest province in the second largest country in the world.  So you can imagine how in the middle of nowhere this little town is.

I'm wondering if anyone has ever blogged about Barry's Bay before me.  Although I am more specifically blogging about Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Academy in Barry's Bay.  That is Scout's college.  She doesn't own it, but she attends it.  It seems to me that most of the time when students attend a particular college that they own it on some emotional level.

Most of the other students have heard Scout sing, because they talk about her singing.  So they probably all love her like I do, now.  I am ready to share her.  But only with people who will appreciate her.

This, the Academy, is the place.  It’s the place where any young man or woman will be appreciated and respected by their professors and their peers.  As far as I'm concerned, this is one more example of where the rubber meets the road as far as pro-life is concerned.  We need to protect the babies in the womb, we need to love and care for the babies, and raise up the children into beautiful self respecting young people who value the gifts given them.  Their time, talents, treasure and their temple.

So much of my life has been spent forming my young people to be good and holy and pure.  And through God's grace, we see the fruit of that formation in our beautiful children.  And we benefit from the fruit of others who have had the same focus.  Here, at the Academy, in the middle of nowhere, is a place that I am confident in sending my young people where that formation that started before they were born, the willingness to live a fruitful married life, was initiated. 

Here, in the middle of nowhere, a somewhere is growing.  By and for a Someone.  The Someone.

Praise be.
