this is not a food blog

Wow.  There are a lot of food blogs out there.  This is not a food blog and will never be a food blog.  Firstly, I'm just not that into food.  Except chocolate, garlic and decent dry red wine.  And good coffee.  And the occasional gin and tonic in the summer.  Other than that, I can sort of take it or leave it.  Most of the time I don't really care whether I eat at all. If you robbed me of my teapot, I would be devastated.


But the main reason this will never be a food blog is that the competition is way too stiff.  I can cook, but I'm not exceptional. I do an amazing Ceasar salad.  I can bake almost anything without a recipe and with my eyes shut, Gluten free and chock full of gluten,  but my daughters do all the baking now.  So I don't need to bake at all.  I can just lay on the couch and do all the gaining. 

Anyway.  Sparky comes home from an apologetics conference with Professor Calculus (not his real name) in Anacortes, Washington in about half an hour.  So I made him lasagne. With Bechamel.  Because it makes him very happy.  And I want him to be very happy.  He is of French extraction but he loves pasta. 

I don't really get pasta myself.  When my kids are small and give honest answers about things without analyzing too much what you are trying to get at, around the age of two and a half or three, I like to ask them why they like noodles so much.  They've all given me the same answer.  Because they are fun in your mouth. 

I think Kicking Horse Three Sisters coffee, black and strong, is way more fun in my mouth.  Way.